The methods and mechanisms of the work of the UN

The methods and mechanisms of the work of the UN

According to the work of SIHR that based on basic courses which are appropriated to the needs of trainees. The SIHR organised A training course on the methods and mechanisms of the work of the UN on 13-14 September 2014 in presence of a group of specialists, Dr. Mohammad Amin Al-Midani (law professor and the founder of the Arab Program in the René Cassin Institute in Strasbourg), Dr. Haytham Manna (the Head of Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights), Mr. Faraj Fneish (The Head of the MENA in the HCHR), Dr. Likaa Abo ajeb (SIHR),. And a group of trainees in the field of human rights from (Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, France, Syria, Britain) to take advantage of this training course, where the number of trainees reached 20 participants.

On the first day, Dr. Midani presented in two lectures about the mechanisms and ways to protect the rights and the freedoms that are guaranteed by various special international conventions, which must be an effective protection mechanisms, where he presented a detailed explanation of the international contractual mechanisms and their ten committees, which are created by international conventions that are adopted by the UN, and are an important principal step for the protection of principal human rights and freedoms.

In the second part of the first day, Dr. Haytham Manna eating how to prevent torture and to resist it in the culture and the Bill and the life.He presented in the introduction of his lecture the first anti-torture stands, and explained how the safety of the self and the body is considered at the heart of the rights concept and the principal factor of the concept of the criminal torture, And also presented Intellectual and legal perspectives to build an arsenal to protect the human being and to ensure his physical and psychological safety. And he explained the Convention against Torture and its committees that are emerged by, and also confirmed at the end of the lecture on the prevention of torture which is a multiple fields task against Torture and for the resist of it is one of the main conditions of any civilized renaissance and real change is real that consider the dignity and the rights of the human being is basis to drop the laws of the jungle down.

The next day, At the first meeting, Mr. Faraj Fneish spoke in his lecture about the emerge and the progress of the Universal periodic Review (UPR) and its objectives to improve the human rights situation, and to fulfill the obligations of States in the field of rights and freedoms. Then he showed the main principles and the realism basis of the review, there was a long open applied discussion with the participants on how to enhance international and national cooperation levels in the field of human rights. Finally, the session is concluded with recommendations and observations on how to enhance the work of NGOs and the methods of development them.

Dr. Likaa Abo ajeb presented at the last session the academic method to write reports in general concerning the definition, the importance and the goals. Then the types of reports in general, where she highlighted on human rights reports and their types, and also completed it showing the method of report’s writing in the terms of the structure which is necessary to build coherent report in terms of the editing, the method and the tools of collection and use the information. The lecture is concluded with some guidance and important rules for qualitative successful report which fulfill the methodological conditions that are explained in detail.

The Program:

The First Day:

International contractual mechanisms to protect human rights

Non- International contractual mechanisms to protect human rights

Prevention of Torture and resist it

International and regional conventions, the punishment and the rehabilitation possibilities

Workshops to discuss cases

The Second Day:

Required Preparation for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

The Lobby Groups and the means of the communication with governmental and among the Non-governmental ones

The general methodology for writing the human rights reports

The training course characterized of positive and good interaction between the participants and the trainers, And also a long discussion took place about a lot of topics. The training course was concluded by a speech given by the head of SIHR, Dr. Haytham Manna, on the need to continue such courses, And he also gave his warm greetings to the participants and the trainers on their efforts because of intensive two-day’s subjects. The participants insisted on enhance the the training capacity by other courses which which are empowering the capacity of the Human Rights defenders in their struggle for the principal dignity, rights and freedoms.