ICC: To be, Or not to be?

ICC: To be, Or not to be?
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day,
In the presence of international criminal lawyers, lawyers and human rights defenders from the USA,
Europe and the Arab world:
International Jurists Union (Geneva), One Justice, Geneva Centre for Democracy and Human Rights,
Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights/FHM, and Pouls pour des Solutions Humans – PoSH
Invite you to
A debate day
On the current situation of the International Criminal Court after two months of collective massacres
and crimes against humanity committed directly in front of millions of human beings who raised the
question: Why an international criminal court?


27, chemin des Crêts de Pregny-1218 Grand-Saconnex- Geneva – Switzerland Flory Room – John Knox Centre
Thursday December 14, 2023
From 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.