Human rights and intellectual symposium gathered in Paris

Human rights and intellectual symposium Democrats and Jurists from Syria and Turkey gathered in Paris

In july-12-2014 the Scandinavian institute for Human rights SIHR , in cooperation with the Arab committee for Human Rights, organized rights and though forum. The forum held in the House of associations’ Grand Hall- Malakove- France.
A number of political, diplomats, rightful and MPs figures from Syria and Turkey attended the forum.
During the forum, the discussion focused on the numerous results of the armed conflicts in Syria. The attendants also discussed the political, social political, economic, human rights and humanitarian situation.

Speakers talked too much about the politics of both the Syrian and the Turkish regimes along with the regional and international allying and its effects firstly on the continuing armed violence, secondly on the escalating violence which recently erupted in Iraq.

The Turkish Doctors Association and the Human Rights Association in Turkey have talked about their field experience at homeland.
Parliamentarian figures talked about their mutual discussions with PM Receep Erdogan and his minister of foreign affairs.
According to some attendants, this is the first non-Islamic meeting between prominent figures from both countries of Syria and Turkey. Attendants deeply insisted on the importance of keeping connected with each others, in the hope, to pave the way for a wider conference attracting all democratic parties which believes in peace and democratic construction and cooperation between peoples of the region.

35 political and Human rights figures from the region (The Middle East) along with Levant-cares European figures have attended the forum. The forum started with a general introduction presented by Dr. Haytham Manna the chairman of SIHR. Then, many speakers took parts in the discussion; the main topics were as follow:
– The public opinion in Turkey regarding the situation of the Syrian refugees (Turkish authorities never give them statue: Refugees)
– Terrorism and the national security.
– The experience of self-administration in Rojava of Syria.
– The role of escalating violence on the democratic ambitions.
– The danger of Takfiri Islamists Jihadists.

SIHR would thanks all who involved in the success of the forum, especially MP Erto Grol, writer faiq Bulut, journalist Arzon Mouran, tradeuonionist mehemtzansir, journalist Fahim Tastkin, MP Nazmi Gur, researcher Muhammad Saiefan, researcher Seeat amtoglu, Politician leader Salih Muslim,, rights activisit shella Mosley, Dr. Khalid Issa, Progressive Millittant Najat Tastan, rights activisit Osman Eski, Norman Batassi ( of International Network), militant Omayma Arnouk, Khalaf Dahoud, Fani Stoplner, Okab Abu Swaid, Zuhat Kobane, Nouri Sheikmouse, George Malbronue, Bassel Ouddat, Rene Nabaa, Majd Al Khaieer, Mohammad Ballout, Mohammad Sultan, Walid Khalife and the honour chairman of the Belgian Senate Anne-Marie Lezan.