The Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights/Haytham Manna Foundation

“Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights / Haytham Manna Foundation”

The foundation whose name is “Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights / Haytham Manna Foundation” and whose seat is in Geneva is hereby constituted in accordance with Articles 80 et ss. Of the Swiss Civil Code.


The foundation aims to protect and promote human rights and non-violence in Switzerland and internationally, including through education and training. Encourage projects that support vulnerable groups and people affected by humanitarian crises, and the development of the human rights culture and the intervention mechanism to prevent violations of fundamental rights, fundamental freedoms and peace, and to carry out teaching work at all levels to train qualified people.

The Foundation can also support projects related to human rights issues.

As part of the goals set, the foundation works throughout the country in Switzerland and abroad.

The foundation is not for profit and does not seek any gain and exceeds the interest of its own members.

Supervisory Authority: Federal Department of the Interior (DFI)

CF Fiduciary Revision Company (CHE-106.761.121), Geneva

This foundation is registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Geneva: Ref. 18896/2016 IDE CHE-389.151.369

Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights / Haytham Manna Foundation in Geneva, Foundation, CHE-389.151.369, CH-660.2.938.016-3